Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Yes, yes-- you read correctly. The honeybees are disappearing at an alarming rate. They are responsible for 85% of pollination and one third of fruit supply. It is unclear why they are disappearing. Some have pointed fingers at invasive species, other animals killing them, global warming, parasites, pesticides and habitat destruction (basically us). Some ways in which people are trying to help solve the problem is by improving nutritional resources and commercial beekeeping as well as planting plants that attract honeybees.

Imagine a world without honey in your tea...honey glazed anything...!

Anyway, this was for our "Illustrator's Workshop" class. I'm still working it out because the "missing piece" to this image is a puzzle outline to be layed on top (the idea is that this whole thing is a puzzle and we are starting to miss pieces). It's a work in progress but I'm pretty happy with what I've got so far.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I'm taking a Documentary Art class this semester which so far has been fun. Our professor takes us to a new location every week and we well... document the scene. We were told that we should focus on people and make an interpretation on the surroundings or living conditions they are in. In a sense its making a statement about that particular environment. I thought that was pretty interesting and hopefully every week I continue to keep that in mind. This sketch was done at 23rd street and 5th avenue. I think the hot dog vendors with the colorful umbrellas are fun to draw and add to the already earthy and sometimes dull color palette of NYC.