Saturday, August 29, 2009


Still trying to save some bucks and make things extra special I once again have made my own gift. This was for my 4th year anniversary with my bf (+ homemade chocolate, chocolate chip cupcakes with ganache frosting). I could sit here and explain to you the meaning of this thing but then it wouldn't be as special anymore. So I'll just let you have the fun of trying to figure it out and enjoy looking at it.

It's acrylic paint on wood, it was a relatively smooth sailing project for me. I sketched out the faces and played around with shapes and what would go in the middle. Worked on a couple of color comps. Then scanned my final drawing on tracing paper, printed and mounted it onto the board. I bought some good smaller brushes, which made all the difference for smaller projects like these, when I want to use thick and thin lines.

Friday, August 28, 2009


A brief update on my new sketchbook entries in the last week or 2. Some random and others not so random...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This was for a poster assignment at the end of the Spring semester. I liked this one so I decided I'd post it up for your viewing. Inspired by the KOGI indians, still going strong in Sierra Nevada, Colombia. They are extremely concerned with the earth and "Little Brother", their way of referring to "us"...the people outside of their culture, the since colonized bunch that has moved on in some way from this simple and unselfish way of life. The urban and the suburban. The KOGI has recently let us into their world so they could spread the message of taking care for our Mother Earth:

"You, Younger Brother, will soon destroy the balance of life on earth if you do not change your ways."

They see the damage we have caused and see the end if we do not do something about it. Kogi Mama, leader, stated:
“Up to now we have ignored the Younger Brother. We have not deigned even to give him a slap. But now we can no longer look after the world alone. The Younger Brother is doing too much damage. He must see, and understand, and assume responsibility. Now we will have to work together. Otherwise, the world will die.”

They are really fascinating people who I think we all could learn from. If you're interested, has some videos from a BBC documentary. CLICK HERE FOR LINK.

I'll post up some sketches I've done recently maƱana.